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- ; this is the first source on the disk...
- ; (exciting isn't it?)
- ; (as you see, the lines with ; or * are not assembled)
- ; this source contains 74 lines, of which only 6 lines are
- ; code. That's super documentation or what ?!!??!!
- ; when you run this source (j), Amiga will wait for you to
- ; press the left mousebutton. If you do, the program ends
- ; (rts) and seka will tell you the contents of the various
- ; dataregisters. Something like this:
- ; D0=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .... 00000000
- ; A0=00000000 00000000 .... .... 00c1c2bc
- ;SSP=00c1d24a ... ....
- ; the first row represents the different dataregisters (D0... D7)
- ; the second row the addresregs, A0-A7. See the last one in line 2 ?
- ; this is the stackpointer (a7) (=USP, user stack pointer)
- ; the last line are some more special pointers, like the supervisor-
- ; stack pointer, program counter,...
- *************************
- top: ; this is a label
- ; after assembling, it is replaced by a number,
- ; an address in memory. All other references in
- ; this source to 'top' are replaced by this number
- ; as well. try '@dtop' which means 'disassemble
- ; from label top'
- ; After assembling, type '?top' (=print the value
- ; which corresponds with our label top) and you
- ; will see what address TOP stands for.
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; save the registers !!!
- ; see letter
- loop: btst #6,$bfe001 ; this instruction checks the
- ; 6th bit in addres $bfe001.
- ; this is the left mousebutton.
- bne.s loop ; if the 6th bit in $bfe001 is set,
- ; (not equal to zero), then go to
- ; label 'loop' (else: just go on)
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; reload the saved registers
- rts ; and go back to the routine
- ; who called this subroutine
- ************************* ; (the 'higher level')
- ; since there is no higher
- ; level in this case, the
- ; program is finished, and
- ; returns back to Seka or
- ; to CLI
- ; please have a try and type 'dtop' after you assembled the
- ; program. You'll see that each instruction is put on a
- ; certain address, and instead of 'bne.s label', there will
- ; be an address, something like 'bne.s $2c043'
- ; also note that each command starts at an EVEN address.
- ; note: the '.s' after the BNE means that it is a very small
- ; branch. This will result in a slightly shorter and
- ; faster code. (just for fun)